My name is Adrian Kingston and my wife Susan and I have been living in America since coming over from England to work here for a couple of years in 1995!  This site contains pages on many subjects the only common factor of which is that I wrote them!  Some of those pages are now the top pages on the net in their subject area, others are just my ramblings or reports on places we have visited and as always, the whole thing is an ongoing work in progress.  Please do sign our guestbook or send us some feedback with any questions or comments you may have, we love to hear from everyone!  This is an active site and new pages and content are being added all the time!  08/06/2018.  Thanks for looking!  /Adrian & Susan. 

Click here to see our Home Theatre system and some Major stereo equipment:
Click here to see our Home Theatre

Click here to see Susan's art:
Click here to see Susan's art!

Click here to see some of our toys:
Click here to see some of our toys!

Click here to see Adrian's pages:
Click here to see Adrian's pages

Click here to go to Chester River:
Click here to go to Chester River!

Click here to go to Virginia:
Click here to go to Virginia!

Click here to see some photos of us!
Click here to see more pictures of us!

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